Audrie Peterson, a young well-to-do medical practioner who knows her onions, extra diligent at work and almost at the zenith of her career, is suddenly hit by a hydra-headed family impasse.
Her husband, Nathan, is very much in the middle of a wild love chase by Venessa, an old high school friend, and Nathan is almost being caught up with!!!...arggghhhhhhh!!!
What happens to Nathan???
What happens to Nathan???
Will he finally fall for Venessa???
Will those high school pranks start off 20 years after???
Audrie's house is heading for the rocks....
Who is the life saver??
What are the consequences, Penalties???
What's the NEXT BIG MOVE????
Actions!!! tagged with Reactions....
Newton's laws really on the browl!!!!
True Love!!!;
Betrayal; toned with Bitterness;
Deceit; tamed with Desperation;
Frayed emotions; and Fear;
Suspense; ...Vengeance....
Betrayal; toned with Bitterness;
Deceit; tamed with Desperation;
Frayed emotions; and Fear;
Suspense; ...Vengeance....
Lemme Be The One...LIVE Feb 13th
u just Dont wanna Be told!!!!!
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Give me one reason why I should miss it, and I'll give you a thousand reasons why I shouldn't!